Policies and certificates

Quality Policy

The quality policy of the company is to provide goods and services that fully satisfy customer and regulatory requirements as expected by customers. This policy supports the overall business aim of the company to continue to be regarded by customers and the industry as a customer focussed leading firm in our areas of expertise.

To realise the above policy, the management have set quality objectives for each key process and includes continual improvement. Each objective is periodically reviewed for suitability, as is the entire policy itself.

It is of paramount importance that this policy statement is understood by all members of the organisation, particularly as to how it applies to individuals. To this end, this statement is made available to all staff, and each staff member is invited to seek clarification, if required, as to its meaning.


The company’s management are committed to the policy and this is demonstrated by leadership through example, communication to staff of the importance of meeting specified requirements, ensuring the availability of resources and, periodic management review of the system, including the suitability of its policy and objectives.

Counterfeit Policy

Transvac Systems recognises that counterfeiting is a serious global problem that affects companies worldwide.

To protect our customers we have implemented a proactive and comprehensive counterfeit prevention policy for all purchases entering or leaving our warehouse.

To help prevent the purchase of counterfeit, suspect or unapproved products, we purchase components directly from:

  • OEM’s or CEM’s
  • Franchised Distributors
  • Manufacturer or Agent

Certain hard-to-find or obsolete products cannot always be obtained from these primary sources. In such instances, it may be necessary to source components through brokers or independent distributors. In these cases Transvac Systems approved vendors shall only be used.


To continually verify vendor quality, we carefully monitor the ongoing performance of all suppliers utilising a variety of criteria, including rigorous inspection procedures; and maintaining traceability for every product that enters our warehouse.

These are detailed within our ISO 9001: 2008 procedures.

Environmental Policy

Transvac Systems designs, manufacturers and supplies specialist sanitary systems and associated equipment to the marine and offshore industries. The company also provides technical on-site services to support the equipment it supplies.

Protection of the environment in which we live and operate is part of Transvac Systems’ values and principles and we consider it to be sound business practice. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we do business.


In this policy statement we commit our company to:

  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice;
  • Protecting the environment by striving to prevent and minimise our contribution to pollution of land, air, and water;
  • Seeking to keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources;
  • Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner;
  • Providing training for our staff so that we all work in accordance with this policy and within an environmentally aware culture,
  • Regularly communicating our environmental performance to our employees and other significant takeholders;
  • Developing our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation;
  • Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance.


The policy statement will be regularly reviewed and update as necessary. The management team endorses these policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.

Health & Safety Policy


Transvac Systems (“ Transvac ”) recognises and accepts its legal obligations (under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all applicable regulations made under it) to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees, persons in training, directors , contractors and temporary workers (“Employees”) and the health and safety of visitors and other persons who attend or use its premises and who may be affected by its work (“Visitors”).


In accordance with its legal obligations, Transvac has carried out a risk assessment of its activities, equipment, facilities, building and all other related arrangements where matters of health and safety may be involved. This Health and Safety Policy (“the Policy”) is designed to enable Transvac to comply with its statutory health and safety obligations, to apply the necessary measures identified in its risk assessment and to adopt all other reasonably practicable measures (within the limits of available resources) to:

Reduce hazards and the risk of personal injury to its Employees and Visitors arising out of its activities;

Maintain a safe and healthy place of work; and reduce hazards and the risk of damage to its property.

Identification and Assessment:

In particular, Transvac shall:

  • Continue to identify hazards and assess risks to health and safety;
  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and systems of work that are free of risk to health;
  • Maintain any place of work under its control (including access and egress) safe and free of risk to health;
  • Provide safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
  • Provide adequate and appropriate information, instructions, training and supervision;
  • Consult with all Employees’ health and safety representatives on health and safety matters;
  • Liaise with contractors and other employers where necessary;
  • Monitor, inspect and review the implementation of this Policy; and
  • Review and update this Policy annually.

Product Safety Policy

Transvac ensures the safety of the products, packages and operations for our employees, consumers and the environment. We consider this to be a requirement for conducting responsible business, and an essential element of building and maintaining trust in the products that we produce and sell.

We carefully evaluate the safety of all products that we sell before they go to market, using well-established risk assessment methods, tools and techniques to understand both hazards and potential exposures. These evaluations are a mandatory part of the company’s product development process, and begin during the early stages of a product’s design and introduction to market.

Products are removed from circulation where there is clear evidence that they are unsafe. On these events, we either find a safe and technically/economically viable alternative, take actions to reduce proposed exposures to humans and the environment to safe levels, or perform additional work to reduce uncertainty until we are confident that the product is safe.

As a part of the product clearance process, all safety evaluations are approved by company management and conducted prior to release to market. They are reviewed and updated whenever our products change in ways that might change the earlier safety evaluation.

Transvac fully meets with all applicable legal requirements to provide products safely throughout it’s distribution chain. As appropriate during the product design process, we also use tools such as lifecycle analysis to help us understand and manage a product’s overall environmental burdens and natural resources use.

IT Security

Transvac’s Cyber Protection Procedures are based on best practices and provides guidance for its employees to follow to limit the potential for attacks and ameliorate damage. The guidelines have been determined to provide employees with the appropriate degree of freedom required to be productive whilst safeguarding data and maintaining appropriate protection from attack from outside parties.


Transvac Systems Business Infrastructure is currently Tier 1 certified by Cyber Essentials which is a government-backed cyber security certification scheme that sets out a good baseline of cyber security suitable for all organisations in all sectors.


Cyber Security Policy
Cyber Security Certificate

Quality Accreditation

Transvac Systems maintains it’s Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2008 and have implemented the standard to cover the company’s scopes of supply.

ISO 9001 certification is pursued to provide third party accreditation to the high level of quality to which our products and services adhere to.

Quality and Client Satisfaction are of the upmost importance and remain the main focus for all of the company’s business activities.